Quarantine Chic
“[We] can't expect trends to be what we are used to.” But what will we be seeing in the new mode of #QuarantineChic ?
It's (almost) Fashion Revolution Time!
If your life is starting to feel like it’s descending into chaos… maybe it’s time for a Revolution? I 5 x 5 Challenge You!
Cleaning House
Sometimes it doesn't help to focus on what we can’t do. Here’s 5 ideas Designers & Entrepreneurs CAN do right now to keep your busin
Pivoting Your Business
When one door closes, can you make a window? With stores closing for the time being, and most people sticking close to home, many...
Self care, the best care?
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed right now, but taking a little time to take care of yourself now could make the difference in the long ru